
Automotive Lubricant Oil

Best Quality Automotive Lubricant Oil!

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Ours is a holding company of ceramic and metallic particle manufacturing technology. At NANO Tec International, we as well offer Automotive Lubricant Oil with affordable yet best quality. We are a manufacturing and automation packer and global distributor of nano Energizer, nanoMax and easy Recovery, etc. Database (NPD) provides a reliable source of information about nanotechnology, at present used in a wide variety of manufacturing purposes

Lubricant Oil, occasionally just called lubricant/lube, is a category of oils used to decrease the friction, heat, and wear between automatic components that are in contact with each other. Automotive Lubricant Oil is used in mechanical cars, where it is known exclusively as motor oil and spread liquefied. Lubricating oil is categorized into two basic:

  • Mineral oils are lubricating oils refined from logically occurring crude oil.
  • Synthetic oils are lubricating oils that are manufactured

Mineral lubricating oils are currently the most commonly used type because of the low cost of extracting the oils from crude oil. Additionally, mineral oils can be manufactured to have a varying viscosity, therefore making them useful in a wide range of applications. Automotive Lubricant Oil of different viscosities can be mixed as one, and it is this facility to mix together them that makes some oils so helpful.

Use of Automotive Lubricant Oil in Vehicles

The use of Automotive Lubricant Oil in cars or buses is essential to their practice. When an engine is well lubricated, it needs to put a lesser amount of work into moving pistons as the pistons move smoothly. In the long run, this means that the car is able to operate while using less fuel and run at a lower temperature. Overall, the proper use of lubricating oil in a car improves efficiency and reduces the amount of wear and tear on moving engine parts.

Reusing or Recycling

As lubricating oils are such a priceless reserve, there have been loads of efforts to reuse used oils. Used Automotive Lubricant Oil is used at "re-refineries", where water is detached from the oil in a practice of drying out. Impurities inside the used oil - such as business fuel - are separated out and the oil is captured using vacuum distillation. This leaves behind a heavy waste that contains oil additives and byproducts. The extracted lubricating oil then undergoes a series of refining processes to remove other impurities. Once refined, the oil is separated into three different viscosities for a variety of uses. Contact us immediately for your Automotive Lubricant Oil need.

nano Tec International
117-3 Chimsan, Bukgu, Daegu, Rep of Korea
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